bim for healthcare construction

Benefits of BIM for Healthcare Construction! 

BIM (Building information modeling) is one of today’s best tools used by construction and architecture companies. BIM has become one of the strong pillars that encourages one to promote the data-driven approach, making the entire construction process & lifecycle of the building more efficient. Along with efficiency, BIM has also impacted the profitability of projects. All these BIM construction benefits …

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steel detailing

Steel Detailing | What It Is And What Are Its Benefits?

Structural steel detailing is a critical process that demands a high level of accuracy. There are many benefits of detailing which we will be discussing here. However, before we jump to the section listing the benefits, let’s understand what is steel detailing.  What is steel detailing? Structural steel detailing is the process of producing detailed plans as well as drawings …

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bim benefits

How BIM Benefits All The Structural Engineers? 

BIM (Building information modelling) have a lot of benefits for structural engineers. From designing, visualizing, and analyzing, to simulating, BIM plays a vital role in the entire process of construction. There are many different BIM tools like ArchiCAD, Autodesk Revit, Vectorworks, etc. that most structural engineers use to develop the building structure. Usually, BIM is used by structural engineers & …

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revit family types

Revit Family Types | Understanding Everything About Different Types of Revit Families! 

Families are usually referred to as groups of elements with a similar set of parameters & graphical representations. If you are familiar with the Revit platform, you must know that everything we use on this platform is related to a particular family. Every element we use from a wall, column, and annotation tags, to mechanical equipment, is a part of …

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shop drawings

Shop Drawings vs As-Built Drawings | Explaining All About Them! 

When one begins to plan for a construction project, there are many preparatory things that one has to take care of. Every remarkable structure standing today goes through a chain of processes during multiple development processes. One of these processes is getting the construction drawings. There are many different types of construction drawings, each one of which has its own …

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Houston Grand Star Hotel

Educational Institution Design +1 307-5095-823 Opening time: Mon-Fri 7:30 AM – 10:30 PM Facility Houston Grand Star Hotel  Location Houston, USA Tools Used Revit 2020 Scope of work Creation of As-Built, and development of 3D BIM Modeling for Hotel project based in Houston, USA. The scope of work is to model all architecture and structural entities at the level 300 – Standards …

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educational institute design by cosmere

Educational Institution Design +1 307-4666-955 Opening time: Mon-Fri 7:30 AM – 10:30 PM ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED Home Services Resources Project & Sample Case Studies Blogs About Us Contact us CGI Home Services Resources Project & Sample Case Studies Blogs About Us Contact us CGI Home Services what’s new Educational Institution Design Reasons Why Revit Modelling Services Are Beneficial For Designing  BIM Services …

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benefits of revit modelling

Reasons Why Revit Modelling Services Are Beneficial For Designing 

Earlier before the introduction of the BIM software, engineers and architects tend to spend a lot of time conceptualizing and drafting. Things changed drastically after the introduction of CAD (computer-aided design) software. Revit is one of this advanced software.  All the architects, construction, and engineering companies use AutoDesk Revit as BIM (Building information modelling) design software. It is one of …

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construction cost

Construction Cost Reduction Techniques | Benefits of BIM +1 307-5095-823 Opening time: Mon-Fri 7:30 AM – 10:30 PM We all know that the construction industry is an evergreen industry. Where it employs millions of people, there it is also responsible for building remarkable buildings both residential ad commercial. Where it has so much to offer, to date it is considered to be one of the inefficient and …

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sketch to bim model

Converting Sketch To BIM Model | Is It Possible? +1 307-5095-823 Opening time: Mon-Fri 7:30 AM – 10:30 PM Every standing architecture today has gone through multiple stages to be standing where it is today. Every architect knows how important the sketch and concept building phase is in creating any sort of architecture irrespective of the type – commercial or residential. Understanding the ease of drawing sketched on …

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